When will e-Invoice be implemented? | 电子发票什么时候开始实施?

According to Budget 2024, the Prime Minister has proposed that the first phase of mandatory e-invoicing will commence in August 2024, with the goal of fully implementing the e-invoicing policy by July 2025, which is 18 months ahead of the earlier projections.

Details of e-invoice implementation timeline:

  Targeted Taxpayers Implementation Date
Stage 1 Companies with a turnover of RM100 million and above 01/08/2024
Stage 2 Companies with a turnover of RM25 million and above 01/01/2025
Stage 3 All business 01/07/2025

根据《2024 年财政预算案》,首相建议从 2024 年 8 月开始强制实施电子发票的第一阶段,目标是到 2025 年 7 月全面实施电子发票政策,这比之前的预测提前了 18 个月。


  涉及公司 实施日期
第一阶段 营业额 1 亿令吉及以上的公司 01/08/2024
第二阶段 营业额 2500 万令吉及以上的公司 01/01/2025
第三阶段 所有企业 01/07/2025

15 May 2024